Monetizing Your Training Program

Ready to grow training revenue? Learn how to leverage internal partnerships to drive training revenue through the roof.

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About this course

In this course, we'll cover several strategies for marketing at-cost training experiences.

Different companies sell training in different ways, but most settle on one of three approaches: a la cartè, training subscription, or bundle.  

This course focuses on the value of internal collaboration and how partnering with other service lines helps drive training revenue.

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for Customer Educators, Training Marketers, and anyone interested to learn more about engaging with customer learners. 

Duration: ~18mins

Curriculum18 min

  • Introduction
  • Goal: Generate Training Revenue (~2 mins)
  • Promoting Fee-Based Learning
  • Outreach Channels (~13 min)
  • Education Pricing Models
  • Reaching Learners
  • 5 Partnerships that Drive Training Revenue
  • Strategize (~2 min)
  • Marketing Plan Checklist
  • How'd We Do?
  • Summary

About this course

In this course, we'll cover several strategies for marketing at-cost training experiences.

Different companies sell training in different ways, but most settle on one of three approaches: a la cartè, training subscription, or bundle.  

This course focuses on the value of internal collaboration and how partnering with other service lines helps drive training revenue.

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for Customer Educators, Training Marketers, and anyone interested to learn more about engaging with customer learners. 

Duration: ~18mins

Curriculum18 min

  • Introduction
  • Goal: Generate Training Revenue (~2 mins)
  • Promoting Fee-Based Learning
  • Outreach Channels (~13 min)
  • Education Pricing Models
  • Reaching Learners
  • 5 Partnerships that Drive Training Revenue
  • Strategize (~2 min)
  • Marketing Plan Checklist
  • How'd We Do?
  • Summary