- Tips for Creating On-Demand Resources
Production Time
Technical Learning Curve
Where to start
- Tips for Virtual Live Training
Reading your audience
Losing your audience
Talking the whole time
- Misc
How'd We Do?

Common Challenges and Solutions for Digital Training
This course takes a look at 6 common challenges we hear when creating on-demand resources or delivering virtual training, as well as some solutions to help with each.
Who should take this course?
This course was created for people that are creating on-demand training content or delivering virtual training. You might find that the material covered in this course is especially helpful if you are shifting from live, in-person training to on-demand or virtual events.
Duration: ~30 min
When should I take this course?
This course is perfect for people getting started with on-demand or virtual training or if you want to improve what you're already offering.
We'll Cover:
These are the challenges we address in this course:
On-Demand Resources
- Time to create
- Too technical
- Where to start
Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)
- Reading the room
- Attention Spans
- Talking the whole time