- Let's Get Started
Course Creation Overview (5:12)
Course Details & Settings (7:51)
Managing Course Curriculum (8:41)
Try It: Adding Content to Lessons
Course Actions & Engagement (4:47)
Bulk Uploading Course Content (5:03)
- Wrap Up
How'd We Do?

Building Courses in Skilljar
Course 3 of 5 in Skilljar Onboarding and Admin Skills Assessment
Understanding the main components of course creation allows you to plan, build, and deliver world-class training content that reaches the intended learners.
Building courses in Skilljar is easy! Understanding the main components of course creation allows you to plan, build, and deliver world-class training content that reaches the intended learners.
While there is a lot to cover, this is an on-demand course, so you're welcome to complete a few lessons at a time or go through it all at once and then revisit portions when you want a refresher.
Content Type
- On-Demand
- Multiple Lessons
Before You Begin
Prerequisites: None
Note: Your dashboard may look different than the examples shown. Your Skilljar Dashboard access is determined and granted by someone within your organization that has Global Admin permissions. Please reach out to that person if you require additional access.
Note: Some of the lessons available in this course might also be available in other courses within Skilljar Academy. Some lesson types, such as video, will mark your progress as complete across different courses, noting that you have already completed the content in that lesson. You're welcome to complete the lesson again if you'd like.
Who should take this course?
Permissions: Course Management
Anyone is welcome to take the course in order to better understand the course creation process, but dashboard users will need to have Curriculum management permissions granted by their organization in order to create and manage course content.
Course Duration
About 30 min